Martes, Agosto 2, 2011

What Can a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Do for Your Body?.

Some say a fruit and vegetable diet is too extreme.

I am certainly no vegetarian, nor vegan, but I think that there would be many benefits for your weight loss and bodyshaping if you decided to embark on a short term fruit and vegetable diet, or at least, a mostly fruit and vegetable diet.
A fruit and vegetable diet can also do wonderful things for your health and energy levels

Fruits and veggies are great for your diet and I’ll explain why in a minute but first, let’s take a look at another reason why fruits and vegetables should be the bulk of your foods consumed.

Healthy Brain, Healthy Body
Fruits and vegetables are the most nutrient dense foods you can eat. There is no mystery behind the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” and you can substitute just about any fruit or vegetable for the apple and it would still ring true.
Eating a wide array of different types and colors in a fruit and vegetable diet will supply your body with every vitamin and mineral you would  swallow in a multi vitamin or any other supplement for weight loss.
However, when you take a multi vitamin most of the good stuff is blocked from being absorbed into the body as it is synthetic nutrients and the body isn’t stupid enough to fall for that trick. Nope, the body flushes right out as easy as it came in.
There are a few vitamin companies that have tried to come up with something better but there is nothing better than the original; the natural source of vitamins and minerals through a diverse fruit and vegetable diet.
Lots of these vitamins and minerals that you will be getting from the fruits and veggies are considered antioxidants, actually fighting the damage done to your cells from free radicals. Antioxidants help prevent cancer, give you younger looking skin, help you to see and prevent osteosporosis, and that is just a short list.
As you can see, eating more fruits and vegetables everyday is more than just a decision to lose weight, it is a decision to live healthier.

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